Sunday, November 9, 2008

Stay Young And Dumb And Awesome.

So, what's up. As if i didn't spent enough time behind the internet as it is, i deceided to start one of these as well. I mean, if Fucked Up does it, why shouldn't I, right? Right.
I have no idea if I'm actually going to keep this thing updated, but since I'm trying to finish up my degree in graphic design/visual communication this year,Ii'll be spending a lot of time behind my Mac Powerbook. probably doing what i do best.... putting the 'pro' in procrastinating!
I just turned 28 and it's really time to finish up this school business, even if it was only so I'd have some more time to save up some money, travel, cause trouble, ride my bike, go to shows, go dancing, read books, play bass, call in sick, sleep in late, drink coffee and all that good stuff.
Or, oh wait, I already do all those things and I never do a damn thing for school. There's just too many distractions in this town, too many movies to watch, too many friends to hang out with. Anyway, here it is, my first blog post. Thanx for reading.

Stay young and dumb and awesome.

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